Ny status: forhandlinger for QEC oljeskifer i Jordan

Fersk for 3 dager siden, QEC ser ut til å ha passert nåløye og er i forhandlinger. Snart London folkens, finansgutta venter på kongen og energiministeren!:

Cooperation and negotiation with new companies interested in crude exploitation:

– Many new companies interested in investing in crude have been submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in recent months. The documents submitted by companies have been studied to determine the financial solvency and technical competence of the developed companies.

– Interested companies that went to the Ministry of Energy during the past months are:

1 – Questerre Energy Canada

2- Orcana Resources , a Jordanian Canadian company

3. SJ Oil & Volvox, a consortium of companies from the state of Montenegro

QEC ny status