Oppdattering av Quebec

Min mening og sannsynligheten for legeslativt gjennomslag for utvinning av Utica står solid fast på at det ikke skjer, tross geopolitiske forhold som nok kanskje har satt noen ut. Det er lite sannsynlig at LNG eksport vil inkludere Quebec’s massive ressurser, men at disse vil bli eksportert fra Alberta er det som nok skjer.

Desperat melding fra QEC?

Jeg har ikke lest noe om denne stammen før, tyder på veldig liten, og også i Becancour hvor det nylig var tydelig nei til gass. Nei dette tyder på snarlig aksjesalg fra ledelsen, vi får se!


Jordan kansellerer konsesjon for JOSCO/Shell

Dette ved ny lov om kansellering, altså ikke ulikt Quebec i måten det gjøres på. Det er ikke sagt noe om hvorfor. Ellers ikke noe nytt i Jordan.

The government has proposed a draft law to cancel the oil shale concession agreement signed between it and the Jordan Oil Shale Company, wholly owned by Royal Dutch Shell International


Quebec utsetter lov om rettigheter mm. Oppdatert

Utsatt lovframleggelse til ut på nyåret grunnet uenighet om kompensasjonsstørrelse. Mitt stalltips, som tidligere utregnet i annet innlegg, er CAD $200 minus evt. brønnrensinger.

The end of gas and oil activities in Quebec will have to wait. The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Jonatan Julien, agreed on Thursday that his bill to put an end to the hydrocarbon sector would not be tabled until next year, due to difficulties in establishing the compensation that will be paid to industry.



Siste nytt fra Becancour

Becancour hadde møte i det nye kommunestyret 22.11.2021 og behandlet fornying av brønntillatelser (disse var i ferd med å utgå). QEC og Utica resources hadde begge inne søknader om fornying, og det er kun formaliteter hvert 10 år.

Mest interessant er vel kanskje at den nye ordføreren er i mot gassbrønner.

“  For us in the City, we want the Quebec government’s moratorium to be maintained.  “- A quote from  Lucie Allard, Mayor of Bécancour

Neste sak opp i Quebec rettsystem er Utica resources (Gaspe) på fredag, men det er nok ikke sakføring slik sett.


Quebec must join Norway

Ja slik lyder gårsdagens parole fra Legault. Ingen tvil lenger, Quebec har definitivt bestemt seg for null karbonutvinning.

A more prosperous, greener Quebec. At last !

François Legault sees green and electric , it is the most beautiful economic and environmental news of recent years. It is absolute bliss.

Quebec wants to take a firm footing towards a green economy and towards the electrification of transport. While we have an inexhaustible reserve of renewable energy thanks to our hydroelectricity which emits zero GHGs, we are delighted to be finally ambitious!


Utica og Questerre kommenterer

Dette er svært alvorlig

Fair compensation for expropriated companies “Although we completely disagree with the Prime Minister’s decision which is very bad for Quebec, we now expect the Government of Quebec to act fairly and to compensate quickly, and at fair market value. , expropriated companies that held rights in Quebec. Expropriating without fairly compensating businesses would have devastating effects on Quebec’s reputation with international investors, whose capital is absolutely essential to our economic development. It would also be contrary to Quebec legislation, which provides for a minimum buyout at fair market value in the event of expropriation. How could it be otherwise? Indeed, how can someone whose business or house would have been expropriated without market value compensation being offered to him by the government, could he feel that he was being treated fairly? Finally declared Mr. Lévesque.




Slutt for utvinning i Quebec?

François Legault is playing a new card in the fight against climate change. To ensure the achievement of its targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Quebec “has given up” for good the exploitation of hydrocarbons on its territory, he announced Tuesday.

“The government of Quebec has therefore taken the decision to definitively give up extracting hydrocarbons on its territory,”

Even before the Prime Minister confirmed his intentions on Tuesday, companies told Le Devoir that they wanted to negotiate with the government to give up their oil exploration rights.

According to the Quebec Environmental Law Center, Quebec could legislate to end all exploration projects, without paying compensation. The government had done so in 2011, with the adoption of the Law limiting petroleum activities. This had the effect of canceling exploration permits in the St. Lawrence River and Estuary.


Quebec miljøvernminister: Nei til karbonfangst fra brønner etc.

Også miljøvernministeren er i mot utbygging av gassbrønner i Quebec, ref. forrige innlegg her før helgen, så dette er ikke bra for Questerre:

The Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette, is not closing the door to carbon capture and storage projects in Quebec, but only for already existing industrial projects, Le Devoir has learned . It thus draws a line on the use of this technology to revive the shale gas industry.

The Minister of the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change is not, however, open to reviving shale gas exploration projects in Quebec. “We are not at all interested in redeveloping this sector,” hammered the elected official. The current legislation does not allow this, and we do not intend to change it. “
